viernes, 4 de julio de 2008

Museo de Arte y Artesanía de Linares

Se fundó el 12 de Octubre de 1966 y sus colecciones se formaron gracias a la generosidad de los artistas nacionales que reunieron más de 200 obras de arte, y a los aportes realizados por el Museo Histórico Nacional y el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.
Las actividades que periódicamente realiza el Museo de Linares consisten en: exposiciones temporales de artes visuales y artesanía popular, recitales poéticos, charlas, talleres de folklore, literatura, plástica y ciclos de vídeo documental y de cine.
Posee aproximadamente 2.500 objetos de naturaleza
Artística -Bellas Artes, Folclórica. Fotográfica, Instrumentos Musicales

Dirección: Av. Valentín Letelier Nº 572, Linares,

Fono: 73210662

E-mail: -

Horarios: martes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:30 hrs. sábado: de 10:00 a 17:00 horas. Domingo y festivos: 14:00 a 17:00hrs.

Entrada: General: $600

Región: Maule

Museum of Art and Crafts of Linares

It was founded On October 12, 1966 and your collections they were formed thanks to the generosity of the national artists who assembled more than 200 works of art, and to the contributions realized by the Historical National Museum and the National Museum of Fine arts.
The activities that from time to time the Museum of Linares realizes consist in: temporary exhibitions of visual arts and popular crafts, poetical recitals, chats, workshops of folklore, literature, plastic arts and cycles of documentary video and of cinema.
It possesses approximately 2.500 objects of Artistic nature - fine arts Arts, Folclórica.
Photographic, Musical Instruments

Address: Av. Valentín Letelier N º 572, Linares, the VIIth Region

Telephone number: 73210662

E-mail: -

Schedules: on Tuesday to Friday of 10:00 to 17:30 hrs. on Saturday: of 10:00 to 17:00 hours. On Sunday and festive: 14:00 to 17:00hrs.

Entry: General: 600 $

Region: Maule

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